Thursday, December 3, 2009

Health Basics or Losing 100 Pounds Naturally

Health Basics: A Doctor's Plainspoken Advice about how Your Body Works and What to Do when It Doesn't

Author: Michael S Richardson

Would you like to know how your body functions, what happens in sickness and how to optimize your chances for better health? Become an informed participant in your health care by getting the answers to hundreds of questions like these: What are the proven health benefits of exercise? Why don't doctors like high-protein diets? How much alcohol is too much? What is cancer, anyway? What is a nutritional supplement, and why do doctors sigh when I ask? How can I get what I want from my visit to the doctor? Why does my heart skip like that? Why is my cholesterol high when I eat like a rabbit? When should I call 911 instead of a doctor's office? Why can't I stop coughing? Why do I have heartburn and when should I see a doctor? How can I control my bladder better? What is really known about estrogen? How can I relieve my PMS?

Read also A Whole New Mind or 1000 Dollars and an Idea

Losing 100 Pounds Naturally: Personal Insight from a Christian Physician

Author: Jean Ronel Corbier

Losing 100 Pounds is a personal insight from a Christian physician.  Chapter One opens with Dr. Jean-Ronel Corbier's gone and unhappy days of being overweight.  The chapter emphasizes a call to live like you recommend.  He says," I was more than 100 pounds overweight, and believe me, I was unhappy.  As a physician who spends a great deal of time convincing patients of the importance of health and nutrition, I was not a good role model."

            In Chapter 2, he vivifies lifestyle as a strategic avenue to losing and managing weight.  He even employs a style that makes necessary comparisons between lifestyles in two different continents, which he has lived.  Noteworthy, is how lifestyles on these continents affect weight management.

            Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7 carefully address the effects of obesity and how these effects could be reversed.  Of paramount importance is the RESTORATION MODEL (Chapter 6).  Dr. Jean-Ronel Corbier and his wife Dr. Michelle Corbier developed this model of health and healing that is dynamic, comprehensive, and integrative.  This model centers on thorough comprehension of the biopsychosociospriritual factors.  These are unambiguous factors that consider the psychological, social, and spiritual causes of obesity, not just the biological factors.

            Ufomadu Consulting & Publishing is proud to publish such a great book that is written to make life better for human race.  Check this book out and tell others about it.

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