Sunday, November 29, 2009

Belleza universal or YMCA Healthy Back Book

Belleza universal: La guнa de belleza de Miss Universo

Author: Cara Birnbaum

El concurso de Miss Universo representa el ideal internacional de la belleza, y esta guía única sobre belleza tiene todos los secretos que solos las miembros de este exclusivo club pueden dar. La periodista especializada en belleza Cara Birnbaum y varias ganadoras de concursos anteriores le traen consejos, ideas y secretos que las han hecho únicas y llevado al pináculo de la belleza.

Las ex Miss Universo compartirán sus regimenes de belleza al igual que los profesionales que trabajan con las concursantes para que obtengan esa apariencia de Miss Universo. Aquellas lectoras que tienen horarios estrictos se beneficiaran de los consejos que las llevaran de una apariencia rutinaria hasta el glamour en cuestion de minutos.

Ya que el concurso Miss Universo es reconocido internacionalmente, todas las razas, los colores de piel, tipos de cabello y de cuerpo se incluyen en este libro. Anteriores reinas del concurso hablan de como el cuidado personal y los regimenes cambian con el tiempo para mantener esa fantastica apariencia.

New interesting book: Soymilk Desserts or Totally Chocolate Cookbook

YMCA Healthy Back Book

Author: YMCA of the USA

Now you can learn how to overcome back pain with the YMCA Healthy Back Book. Developed by the world leader in back care education, this medically sound and easy-to-follow back program will help you

  • understand the causes of back pain and various treatment options,
  • learn how to exercise to help prevent painful back problems, and
  • discover ways to reduce back pain when it occurs.
This book contains the most up-to-date, practical information available from the YMCA - an organization that has helped over 300,000 people find relief from back pain. Featuring more than 80 full-color illustrations, a reader-friendly format, and 29 proven back exercises, the YMCA Healthy Back Book will help you conquer back problems and return to an active lifestyle.

Library Journal

Since ``back pain is one of the most costly ailments of working-age adults,'' this book guides the average person through 20 fundamental exercises that assist in reducing and avoiding back pain. Reviewed by a panel of fitness and rehabilitation medicine experts, it suggests stress reduction and weight-control techniques to improve back health and recommends the least stressful ways to perform the daily activities of sitting, standing, sleeping, and driving. A discussion of warning signs indicating the need to seek professional help, risk factors for back pain, and a guided tour of the back's anatomy complete the book. Numerous well-prepared illustrations, large type, and an easy-to-understand writing style contribute to the readability of the book, a major strength. Balanced, thorough, and credible, this is similar in content to Stephen Hochschuler's Back in Shape ( LJ 1/91), but its presentation is more effective. Recommended for public libraries.-- Mary Prottmsman, Medical Lib., Enterprise, Ala.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Feel Good or Is it Just a Phase

Feel Good: Little Changes to Simplify Your Complicated Life

Author: Pamela Allardic

Acknowledging that women all over the world lead busy lives and feel too stressed to relax, this book offers small ideas for doing something about the chaos. Combining practical suggestions with mind-boosting tips and good commonsense advice, it guides women through the process of streamlining their complicated lives, one day at a time. This collection of feel-good ideas includes mini-essays, recipes, remedies, quick fixes, and mantras and covers such topics as finding the inner artist, taking a mental bath, eating chocolate to increase euphoria, accepting imperfections, putting an end to the phrase “I'm so tired,” and much more. The overarching message is that feeling good has less to do with what happens to a person and more to do with what she thinks and does about it, so even little changes can make a big difference to how one deals with life's irritations. Finally here is a book that says no matter how busy women are, they're never too busy to feel good.

New interesting textbook: Healing Ministry or New Bach Flower Therapies

Is it "Just a Phase"?

Author: Susan Anderson Swedo

Is It "Just a Phase"? examines the challenges a child faces from toddlerhood through adolescence and provides guidelines for determining when a behavior is a cause for concern and when it is merely a developmental phase. Part I covers the problem phases of development - thumb sucking, bed-wetting, and sleep problems - and offers parents practical guidelines to implement at home as well as information on how to use the help of the child's teacher or pediatrician. Part II considers the medical and psychiatric disorders - anxiety, depression, and school problems - that affect a child's behavior when it's more than "just a phase." It includes diagnostic checklists so that parents can accurately assess the nature and severity of their child's symptoms. Is It "Just a Phase"? also prepares parents to make well-informed decisions about difficult choices - such as whether or not to treat their child's hyperactivity with medication and when to hospitalize a depressed adolescent. It provides accurate explanations of why behavior problems occur, shares the latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of childhood disorders, and helps readers cope with the many challenges of raising a school-aged child. Because when parents are concerned about their child, it's never "just a phase."

Publishers Weekly

Parents concerned by the behavior of an overactive, shy or disobedient child, or troubled by their child's bedwetting or eating problems, can find reassuring, practical advice in this accessible handbook. Swedo, head of behavioral pediatrics at the National Institutes of Mental Health, and Leonard, a child psychiatrist and professor at Brown University School of Medicine, combine their expertise to aid parents in helping their toddler or teen through difficult stages in development. Each chapter in Part 1 includes brief stories that illustrate particular behaviors, such as eating problems, thumb-sucking or moodiness, in both a normal child and a problem child. The stories are followed by suggestions on what parents can do to help, and what help they can expect from teachers and doctors. Part 2 focuses on those problem behaviors that are not merely passing phases but symptoms of psychiatric disorders requiring therapeutic intervention. Such conditions as anxiety disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder are explained in clear language. Brief sets of questions assist parents in deciding whether their child fits the description or may have some related condition; the authors then discuss therapy options and offer a resource list of professional organizations. (Oct.)

Table of Contents:
Ch. 1"My Son Is Always 'On the Go' - He Exhausts Me!": Excessive activity during childhood
Ch. 2"My Daughter Is Such a Picky Eater": Feeding difficulties and obesity
Ch. 3"My Son Is So Naughty - He Never Does What I Ask Him to Do": Disobedience, stubbornness, and other behavior difficulties
Ch. 4"My Daughter Refuses to Go to School": Fear of leaving home and fear of attending school
Ch. 5"My Six-Year-Old Still Sucks His Thumb - Is It Really Just a Bad Habit?": Thumb-sucking, nail-biting, knuckle-cracking ...
Ch. 6"My Eight-Year-Old Still Wets the Bed": Bed-wetting (enuresis)
Ch. 7"My Daughter Is Afraid of the Dark": Childhood fears
Ch. 8"My Son Worries Too Much": Childhood anxieties
Ch. 9"My Daughter Is Too Shy": Shyness and introversion
Ch. 10"My Son Won't Have Anything to Do with Me": Social isolation and withdrawal, particularly during adolescence
Ch. 11"My Daughter Is in Such a Bad Mood These Days": Excessive moodiness
Ch. 12"I'm So Worried About My Child's Behavior - This Can't Be 'Just a Phase'": Introduction to part II
Ch. 13"I Know My Son is Hyper - But Is He Hyperactive?": Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Ch. 14"My Daughter Studies All the Time, But She Still Gets Failing Grades": Attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities
Ch. 15"My Son Has So Many Little Nervous Habits - Like Blinking Too Much and Clearing His Throat": Tic disorders and Tourette disorder
Ch. 16"My Child Is Plagued by Scary Thoughts and Silly Rituals": Obsessive-compulsive disorder and related disorders
Ch. 17"My Son's Never Been a Problem Before, But Over the Past Week, He's Become Impossible": PANDAS
Ch. 18"My Daughter Is Terrified to Let Me Go Out at Night, or Even to Go into Another Room Without Her": Separation anxiety disorder
Ch. 19"My Son Is So Nervous and Tense That He's Making Me Anxious": Generalized anxiety disorder
Ch. 20"My Daughter Is So Painfully Shy, She Won't Even Order Her Own Ice Cream": Selective mutism and social phobia
Ch. 21"My Daughter Is So Sad and Blue - She Never Smiles or Laughs Anymore": Depression and bipolar disorder
Ch. 22"My Son Sleeps All Weekend and Still Can't Wake Up on Time on Monday Morning": Sleep disorders and seasonal affective disorder
Ch. 23"My Daughter Is Obsessed with Her Weight": Eating disorders: obesity, anorexia, and bulimia
Ch. 24"My Son Is Drinking and Using Drugs": Alcoholism and drug abuse
About the Authors

Friday, November 27, 2009

You Are Not What You Weigh or Twenty Four Hours a Day Journal

You Are Not What You Weigh: Escaping the Lie and Living the Truth, Vol. 1

Author: Lisa Bever

Bevere offers hope to women of all ages as she reveals the secrets she used to get her weight under control--by asking God to fashion her once again, starting with love and peace.

Books about: Saltwater Fish or Vegetable Identifier

Twenty-Four Hours a Day - Journal: A Meditation Book and Journal for Daily Reflection

Author: Richmond Walker

Since 1954, readers have turned to Twenty-Four Hours a Day for spiritual guidance in living "one day at a time." Now available in a journal format, this classic meditation text provides the inspirational framework for your personal book of prayer and reflection.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Art of Caregiving or Managing Menopause Beautifully

The Art of Caregiving: How to Lend Support and Encouragement to Those with Cancer

Author: Michael S Barry

Helps caregivers find new joy in caring for those they love by equipping them with unique tools for supporting those with serious illness and through developing a mindset of joy.

Interesting book: One Pot Wonders or Damon Lee Fowlers New Southern Kitchen

Managing Menopause Beautifully: Physically, Emotionally, and Sexually

Author: Dona Caine Francis

Some 38 million girls were born in the United States between 1946 and 1964, and now about 2 million of them each year are entering the menopausal phase of life. But these Baby Boomers are not docile, do-as-they-are-told, ask-no-questions women. They insist on full information, options, and participation in the decision-making process regarding how they will navigate this potentially challenging phase. In this breakthrough book, Dona Caine-Francis offers a reader-friendly primer on everything women need to know to remain physically, emotionally, and sexually vibrant before, during and after menopause. A certified sex therapist and psychiatric nurse practitioner, Caine-Francis challenges women to consider the menopausal years an era of opportunity, a chance to seize the day and "reinvent" the self in three dimensions - physically, emotionally, and sexually. *This book, be forewarned, contains adult material. Special features here include vignettes from therapy sessions for menopausal women and their partners, explanations of the five myths of menopause, a review of hormone therapy of all kinds, complementary and alternative medicine, insights into romance at midlife, and a chapter devoted to partners of these women to share an understanding and suggestions to keep the fires flamed. Strategies for sexual well-being of menopausal women may otherwise and elsewhere be neglected, but Caine-Francis provides a focus to such strategies here and offers practical solutions to enhance sexual connections with partners.

Table of Contents:

Foreword Judy Kuriansky Kuriansky, Judy

1 Menopause: Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Reinvention 1

2 Menopause Basics: What Is Happening to My Body? 8

3 The Changing Body of the Perimenopausal and Menopausal Woman 23

4 Hormone Therapy 38

5 Reinvent the Physical You 60

6 Reinvent the Emotional You 73

7 Complementary and Alternative Strategies for the Midlife Woman 95

8 Sexual Revitalization 110

9 Romeo Meets Juliet at Age 55 177

App. A Coping Techniques for Today's Busy Woman 183

App. B Negative Coping Skills 185

App. C Scale of Relationship Intimacy 186

App. D Resource Web Sites 188

Notes 191

Index 199

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Atkins Diabetes Revolution or Psychobiology of Physical Activity

Atkins Diabetes Revolution: The Groundbreaking Approach to Preventing and Controlling Type 2 Diabetes

Author: Robert C Atkins

Atkins Diabetes Revolution will help you:

  • Find out if you have the metabolic syndrome
  • Identify your risk for diabetes as soon as possible
  • Make permanent lifestyle changes to normalize the underlying metabolic imbalances that lead to Type 2 diabetes
  • Reduce your chances of suffering a heart attack, stroke, and even some cancers
  • Reduce your risk of heart disease by lowering your triglycerides while increasing your HDL ("good") cholesterol

Read by Sara Krieger

Publishers Weekly

Having been marketed to millions as a weight-loss solution, the Atkins diet is now presented as a means of preventing type 2 diabetes, a disease whose rates are skyrocketing, thanks to the prevalence of risk factors such as obesity and high lipid and blood sugar levels. The authors clearly outline their interpretation of the path to diabetes, arguing that carbs cause blood sugar spikes, triggering the release of more insulin-the hormone that regulates blood sugar-than the cells need. Blood sugar ends up stored as fat and the body's cells start responding more slowly to the insulin, which leads to elevated blood sugar levels. But the tone the authors adopt when touting their low-carb, high-protein, high-fat approach may arouse some skepticism and even fear. "In the end, only you can decide what's best for your health," they warn. "You can choose the Atkins approach and improve your health, or you can choose the ADA [American Diabetes Association] approach and descend into more and more medications and poor health." While studies now demonstrate low-carb dieting can lead to weight loss and cholesterol control over the short term, experts tend to agree that diets that demonize one food group aren't easy to stick to over the long haul. Still, the work includes valuable nutritional information and sounds a needed alarm about the diabetes epidemic. (On sale Aug. 3) Forecast: With national TV, radio and print ads, as well as online promotions, this latest Atkins guide should have no trouble climbing bestseller lists. Copyright 2004 Reed Business Information.

See also: Plain Lives in a Golden Age or Travel Perspectives

Psychobiology of Physical Activity

Author: Edmund O Acevedo

Psychobiology of Physical Activity fills a void in the scientific literature by addressing psychobiologic factors as they relate to exercise and sport. As the first resource of its kind, it sparks greater interest in the integration of topics in the growing area known as the psychobiology of physical activity. The text defines and expands the field by covering various disciplines, including psychophysiology, psychoneuroendocrinology, psychoimmunology, neuroscience, physiological psychology, and behavioral genetics.

The edited volume consists of 17 chapters written by internationally renowned scholars who consistently present a multilevel integrative approach to the study of human behavior in exercise and sport. The contributors share their cutting-edge research findings from diverse perspectives in chapters on physical activity and the brain, cognition, emotion, stress, pain, and human performance.

Part I, Introduction, traces the history of psychobiological investigations in the fields of sport and exercise psychology and reviews what is currently known about the workings of the central nervous system during physical activity.

Part II, Physical Activity and Cognition, examines recent evidence on the role of physical activity and fitness in preserving cognitive function in the aging human brain and the effects of exercise on neurogenesis, the formation of new neurons.

Part III, Physical Activity and Emotion, discusses the effects of exercise on emotion from multiple levels: the level of the synapse, the level of the human brain, and the level of the body as an integrated self-protecting system.

Part IV, Physical Activity and Psychosomatic Health, analyzes the role of exercise on central and peripheral factors related to cardiovascular and neuroendocrine stress reactivity, the function of the immune system, and pain.

Part V, Psychobiology of Human Performance, focuses on factors influencing human performance in competitive settings, including attention and cognition, biofeedback, and mental imagery.

As a professional reference, the book provides researchers and scholars with a valuable summary of cutting-edge research and up-to-date information. As a textbook, it challenges researchers and graduate students with an integrated approach to the study of human behavior in exercise and sport. In addition, Psychobiology of Physical Activity translates for sophisticated practitioners-such as clinical exercise physiologists-psychobiologic research into practice in the areas of exercise and sport.

Table of Contents:
Part I: Introduction