Sunday, November 29, 2009

Belleza universal or YMCA Healthy Back Book

Belleza universal: La guнa de belleza de Miss Universo

Author: Cara Birnbaum

El concurso de Miss Universo representa el ideal internacional de la belleza, y esta guía única sobre belleza tiene todos los secretos que solos las miembros de este exclusivo club pueden dar. La periodista especializada en belleza Cara Birnbaum y varias ganadoras de concursos anteriores le traen consejos, ideas y secretos que las han hecho únicas y llevado al pináculo de la belleza.

Las ex Miss Universo compartirán sus regimenes de belleza al igual que los profesionales que trabajan con las concursantes para que obtengan esa apariencia de Miss Universo. Aquellas lectoras que tienen horarios estrictos se beneficiaran de los consejos que las llevaran de una apariencia rutinaria hasta el glamour en cuestion de minutos.

Ya que el concurso Miss Universo es reconocido internacionalmente, todas las razas, los colores de piel, tipos de cabello y de cuerpo se incluyen en este libro. Anteriores reinas del concurso hablan de como el cuidado personal y los regimenes cambian con el tiempo para mantener esa fantastica apariencia.

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YMCA Healthy Back Book

Author: YMCA of the USA

Now you can learn how to overcome back pain with the YMCA Healthy Back Book. Developed by the world leader in back care education, this medically sound and easy-to-follow back program will help you

  • understand the causes of back pain and various treatment options,
  • learn how to exercise to help prevent painful back problems, and
  • discover ways to reduce back pain when it occurs.
This book contains the most up-to-date, practical information available from the YMCA - an organization that has helped over 300,000 people find relief from back pain. Featuring more than 80 full-color illustrations, a reader-friendly format, and 29 proven back exercises, the YMCA Healthy Back Book will help you conquer back problems and return to an active lifestyle.

Library Journal

Since ``back pain is one of the most costly ailments of working-age adults,'' this book guides the average person through 20 fundamental exercises that assist in reducing and avoiding back pain. Reviewed by a panel of fitness and rehabilitation medicine experts, it suggests stress reduction and weight-control techniques to improve back health and recommends the least stressful ways to perform the daily activities of sitting, standing, sleeping, and driving. A discussion of warning signs indicating the need to seek professional help, risk factors for back pain, and a guided tour of the back's anatomy complete the book. Numerous well-prepared illustrations, large type, and an easy-to-understand writing style contribute to the readability of the book, a major strength. Balanced, thorough, and credible, this is similar in content to Stephen Hochschuler's Back in Shape ( LJ 1/91), but its presentation is more effective. Recommended for public libraries.-- Mary Prottmsman, Medical Lib., Enterprise, Ala.

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